Dec 16, 2005

Ox House Art Gallery

Promotion workshops of the Ox House art galery space

Invited by the galery organization, we took our workshops into two schools, so that the schools could know about the goals and possibilities that they have to offer, like art activities, performances and shows.

Music and movement workshop - Taipa SKH School - from 5 to 6 years old

Continuing with the Lap Sap Sounds concept, we showed how the garbage can become music, in a very simple way...Play, explore, construct and play around with music...

Dance and movement workshop - Pi Tao School - from 13 to 15 years old

Through group dinamics bodies gained movement and mind gained consciousness of the importance of posture, expression, breathing and relaxation.

Nov 12, 2005

Forest of the Sounds

The Forest of the Sounds
Art’s Week Workshop, with children from 3 to 10 years old
The International School of Macao
Macao, 2005

A three day workshop, developed in English, where the children were involved in a story told by two characters, from the Art’s Land, named Satya and Vanii. That story happened on their way to the school, where they were going to celebrate the art’s week. On the way, while crossing the dense forest of the sounds, something mysterious happened…After listening to the story, each group constructed one of the instruments that represented the story sounds, all with reused materials collected by the children themselves. On the third day, about 150 children went on stage to perform the story in School Assembly.

Oct 31, 2005

Mobile Arts Parade

• Mobile Arts Parade – Lap Sap Human Orchestra – Fringe Festival – Macao, October, 2005

The Fringe Festival promotes the arts and the street performances, and is organized in Macao once a year, counting on the participations of artists from all around the world. The BrainStorming Creations participated in this festival by creating and encouraging others to create, working the concepts of reusing and recycling, using the music expression as a vehicle.
The Mobile Arts Parade consisted in the construction of a couch where all the used materials, were reused, collected from many different places. The couch was a musical instrument itself, where lots of people could play music on wheels. The message was understandable: instead of staying home, laying on the couch, come to the streets, create, play music, and try to react to the destruction of the planet.
The parade started at the Ruins of S. Paul and ended at the Senado Square, with the participation of lots of artists and hundreds of people that joined the party.

Oct 24, 2005

Lap Sap Sounds Workshop 1

• Workshops “Lap Sap Sounds – When Garbage Becomes Music” – Camões Garden, Fringe Festival – Macao, October, 2005

The workshop had an open structure, where during a period of 4 hours the participants were invited to explore many instruments made of reused materials, and construct them as well. Some group musical dynamics were also created, having a great suitability from the community, that danced and played the constructed instruments with lots of energy. Not only the materials were reused, but also the minds.

Apr 18, 2005

Around the Senses

• Project “Around the Senses” – Activities about exploring the 5 senses through art expression and simple scientific experiences - Escola Portuguesa de Macau supported by the Casa de Portugal em Macau – Macao, April, 2005

Two holyday weeks, where every morning we got together to explore the five senses, doing scientific experiments and experiencing and producing games and toys with waste materials.
Glass xylophones, touch boxes, pairs of sounds, delicious toys and optical illusions where some of the activities we made, also presented to the guests on the last day, that went inside the “Senses Laboratory” to learn also something about how easy it is to explore the senses with objects and materials that we have next to us everyday.